Our philosophy is to continuously strengthen our company as an organization. In this way, we ensure its seamless operation, growth and profitability. Of course, this way we create value for our partners, society and shareholders while respecting the local community and the environment.

We invest for the future

We reinvest our profits precisely because they will ensure the future performance of the company. Investments are made both on equipment and infrastructure, as well as on people. Over the past five years, we have invested in increasing our productive capacity by installing equipment unique accross Europe. The thermoforming lines delivered to our company are amongst the most advanced in the global market. At the same time, the company installed a new SAP ERP system to leverage the increased data processing capabilities. The new system contributes substantially in increasing our people's productivity. These investments in a time of crisis effectively solidify our belief that only by investing in the company there will be performance.

We manage risk

We are constantly assessing how we operate. We look at our products in detail, the markets in which we operate, the trends, and we adapt. We cut the risk of activities and hedge against important risks for the company. We have, for example, agreements to secure our raw materials and the availability of means of transport. This is because for our customers, particularly in the field of packaging, we are suppliers of a crucial material in their logistics chain. At the same time, we anticipate our future financial needs and ensure the required liquidity in a timely manner. Finally, we are constantly expanding our business to offset fluctuations in demand in specific markets and in order to be diversified further in our activities.

We protect the enviroment

We adopt sustainable practices and our goal is to limit the environmental impact of our business activities while saving resources. With several thousands of tonnes a year, we hold ourselves accountable for our responsibility and potential for significant impact.

We practice the following: use of regenerated polystyrene, Paper Recycling, Lighting our facilities with Low Energy Lamps, Propane Heating, Use of Energy Saving Automation in Production, Use of Electric Forklifts

We have a passion for innovation

We believe that the very existence of our company depends to a great extent on the speed with which we evolve and follow the changes in the market. Innovation is at the heart of our everyday action. We look at every concept for new products and if they are interesting, our product design department works in a direction for new products to reach the market without delays.

We are growing together with our people

With the increase in turnover and the range of our activities, our human resources needs also grow. This creates opportunities for our people to develop and opportunities for us to work with new creative people.

We follow ethical business practices

We maintain long-term relationships with customers, suppliers and consumers. These relationships are based on the integrity and responsibility we display as an organization.

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